Click here for the English version.
Jeg er en stor Stephen King-fan. Den første romanen jeg lånte på voksenavdelingen på Bekkestua bibliotek som fjortenåring, var Piken som elsket Tom Gordon, og man kan si det var kjærlighet ved første gjennomlesning. Opp gjennom årene har jeg konsumert en god del King-romaner og novellesamlinger, men bare på norsk og i tilfeldig rekkefølge. For noen år siden bestemte jeg meg for at jeg skulle pløye meg gjennom hele forfatterskapet hans i kronologisk rekkefølge (med unntak av The Dark Tower-serien og bøkene som ble utgitt under pseudonymet Richard Bachman, disse skal jeg spare til siden), på engelsk.
For å gjøre det lettere for meg å holde oversikt over hva jeg har lest og ikke lest i dette prosjektet, poster jeg en oversikt nederst i dette innlegget.
Før jeg runder av og lar dere skrolle nedover, må jeg fortelle om en artig dateopplevelse som har med Stephen King å gjøre: Da jeg var i Los Angeles med Teater Manu i 2014, dro jeg på date med en hyggelig kvinne. Lawyer by day, graffiti artist by night. Jeg kom til å nevne Stephen King-prosjektet mitt for henne, noe hun syntes hørtes kult ut. Deretter sa hun: «You know, I’m from Bangor in Maine. Stephen King used to be my neighbour.»
I am a big fan of Stephen King. The first novel I borrowed from the grown-up section at Bekkestua Library as a 14 years old was The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, and you could call it love at first reading. Through the years I have consumed a fair share of King’s novels and short stories collections, but only in Norwegian and in a random order. A few years ago, I decided to start ploughing through his entire bibliography in chronological order (except for The Dark Tower series and the novels published under his pseudonym Richard Bachman, I’ll save those for last), in English.
To make it easier for me to keep track of what I have read and not read in this project, I’ll post an overview below.
Before I wrap it up and let you scroll down, I have to tell about a funny date experience related to Stephen King: When I was in Los Angeles with Teater Manu in 2014, I went on a date with a nice lady. Lawyer by day, graffiti artist by night. I happened to mention my Stephen King project for her, which she thought sounded cool. Then she proceeded: «You know, I’m from Bangor in Maine. Stephen King used to be my neighbour.»
Titler med uthevet skrift: Lest.
Titler i kursiv: Tidligere lest på norsk.
Titles in bold: Read.
Titles in italic: Previously read in Norwegian.
- Carrie
- ‘Salem’s Lot
- The Shining
- Rage (Richard Bachman)
- The Stand
- Night Shift (collection)
- The Long Walk (Richard Bachman)
- The Dead Zone
- Firestarter
- Roadwork (Richard Bachman)
- Cujo
- The Running Man (Richard Bachman)
- Different Seasons (collection)
- The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger
- Christine
- Pet Sematary
- Cycle of the Werewolf
- The Talisman (with Peter Straub)
- Thinner (Richard Bachman)
- Skeleton Crew (collection)
- It
- The Eyes of the Dragon
- The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three
- Misery
- The Tommyknockers
- The Dark Half
- Four Past Midnight (collection)
- The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands
- Needful Things
- Gerald’s Game
- Dolores Claiborne
- Nightmares & Dreamscapes (collection)
- Insomnia
- Rose Madder
- The Green Mile
- Desperation
- The Regulators (Richard Bachman)
- The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass
- Bag of Bones
- The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
- Hearts in Atlantis (collection)
- The Plant
- Dreamcatcher
- Black House (with Peter Straub)
- From a Buick 8
- Everything’s Eventual (collection)
- The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla
- The Dark Tower VI: Song of Susannah
- The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower
- The Colorado Kid
- Cell
- Lisey’s Story
- Blaze (Richard Bachman)
- Duma Key
- Just After Sunset (collection)
- Under the Dome
- Full Dark, No Stars (collection)
- 11/22/63
- The Dark Tower VIII: The Wind Through the Keyhole
- Joyland
- Doctor Sleep
- Mr. Mercedes
- Revival
- Finders Keepers
- The Bazaar of Bad Dreams (collection)
- End of Watch
- Gwendy’s Button Box (with Richard Chizmar)
- Sleeping Beauties (with Owen King)
- The Outsider
- Elevation
- The Institute
- If It Bleeds (collection)
- Later
- Billy Summers
- Fairy Tale
- Holly
- Never Flinch