«A gook is a deep well,» Roland said. «Common law says any traveler may drink from it without let or penalty.»
«Welcome to Gook,» Eddie said, tossing the signboard into the bushes at the side of the road. «I like it. In fact, I want a bumper sticker that says I Waited Out the Starkblast in Gook.»
Susannah laughed. Jake didn’t. He only pointed at Oy, who had begun turning in tight, rapid circles, as if chasing his own tail.
«We might want to hurry a little,» the boy said.
Jeg klarte det. Jeg begynte denne reisen med Roland (og noen tusen andre lesere på Instagram) i januar, og for ikke så lenge siden ble jeg ferdig med The Dark Tower-serien. Denne runden viste seg å bli enda bedre enn forrige gang jeg leste disse bøkene, for denne gangen leste jeg dem sammenhengende og på originalspråket. «The Wind Through the Keyhole» tar egentlig plass mellom bok 4 og 5, men det var ganske fint å lese den som bok nummer 8 etter å ha grått ut øynene flere ganger i bok 7. Et lite tilbakeblikk til dette ka-tet halvveis på den lange reisen, så å si.
Til sai King; vi sier takki.
I did it. I started this journey with Roland (and a few thousand other readers on Instagram) in January, and not long ago, I finished The Dark Tower series. This bout turned out to be even better than the previous time I read these books, because this time I read them continuously, and in the original language. «The Wind Through the Keyhole» takes place between book 4 and 5, but it was kind of pleasant reading it as book 8 after crying out my eyes several times during book 7. A small look back to this ka-tet halfway through the long journey, so to say.
To sai King; we say thankee.