«What else, then?» Bucky Javier asked.
Callahan thought they would want the thing that lay beneath the floorboards of his church. And that was
good, because that thing had awakened. The Old Fella, who had one run from a town called Jerusalem’s Lot in another world, wanted to be rid of it. If he wasn’t rid of it soon, it would kill him.Ka had come to Calla Bryn Sturgis. Ka
like a wind.«In time,
Mr. Javier,» Callahan said. «All in good time,sai .»Meantime, a whisper had begun in the Gathering Hall. It slipped along the benches from mouth to mouth, a breeze of hope and fear.
Gunslingers to the west, come out of Mid-World.
And it was true, God
help them. Arthur Eld’s last deadly children, moving toward Calla Bryn Sturgis along the Path of the Beam. Ka like a wind.
En av de utallige tingene jeg liker med Stephen Kings bøker, er at mange av dem henger sammen med hverandre. Pater Callahan er en gammel kjenning fra «Nattens hus» (eng: «Salem’s Lot»), der han kjempet mot vampyrer i Jerusalem’s Lot. På et eller annet vis endte han opp i Rolands verden, og denne gangen er fienden ikke vampyrer, men Ulvene.
One of the numerous things I like about Stephen King’s books is that many of them are related. Father Callahan is an old acquaintance from «Salem’s Lot», in where he fought vampires. Somehow he wound up in Roland’s world, and this time the enemy isn’t vampires, but the Wolves.