I had always wanted to love Eve as Denny loved her, but I never had because I was afraid. She was my rain. She was my unpredictable element. She was my fear. But a racer should not be afraid of rain; a racer should embrace the rain. I, alone, could manifest a change in that which was around me. By changing my mood, my energy, I allowed Eve to regard me differently. And while I cannot say that I am a master of my own destiny, I can say that I have experienced a glimpse of mastery, and I know what I have to work toward.
Jeg poster dette fra mobilen, så jeg holder det kort i dag. Boken handler om en hund og hans forhold til eieren, som er racerbilfører.
I’m posting this from my phone, so I’m keeping it brief today. The book is about a dog and his relationship to his owner, who is a race driver.