Three. This is the number of your fate.
Yes, three is mystic. Three stands at the heart of the mantra.
Which three?
The first is dark-haired. He stands on the brink of robbery and murder. A demon has infested him. The name of the demon is HEROIN.
Which demon is that? I know it not, even from nursery stories.
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Den følelsen når det går opp for deg at du har glemt hvordan Roland finner sine følgesvenner, og du bare: «Whoa, heftig!»
I den første boken vandret Roland alene gjennom en tilsynelatende uendelig ørken. Nå har han kommet til en annen del av sin verden, og hans ka-tet er i ferd med å samles.
That feeling when you realise you have forgotten how Roland finds his companions, and you go «Whoa, wicked!»
In the first book, Roland wandered alone through a seemingly endless desert. Now he has reached a different part of his world, and his ka-tet is starting to come together.