November 2004.
Amorous butterfly, no more will you flutter around
Disturbing the ladies night and day
You little Adonis of love
In a spider’s web you now are bound
Hear the tarantula gravely say
Amorous butterfly, no more will you flutter around
Watch your beloved ones in the sky above
Never more with them you will joyfully play
You little Adonis of love
As the spider causes you a deadly wound
She will an endless thread around you lay
Amorous butterfly, no more will you flutter around
Feel how the drops of the poison shove
Your soul out of your body that once was merely gay
You little Adonis of love
Forever shall your little ladies mourn like a dove
As your dead body in the cobweb will sway
Amorous butterfly, no more will you flutter around
You little Adonis of love
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